Get The Best Plan For a Funeral in Blacktown
Did you lose your loved one recently? Are you looking for a reliable funeral director to cover everything you need to arrange a funeral? For any kind of funeral needs, give Blacktown Funerals a try! We are always available to meet your needs! Blacktown Funeral Services specialises in arranging simple, practical and affordable funeral planning services. Over the years we have supported endless families by offering them with simple service choices for a respectful and meaningful service without a fuss. Our funeral process is arranged based on your different needs and we are one of the only services in Blacktown to offer a price guarantee. We can even arrange for tailored cremation and burial funeral services specific to your needs.
Our step by step funeral planning guide offers basic, affordable and respectful cremation funeral packages that are very affordable and comes in wide varieties.
Being departed may be the end of your loved one’s life, but it is also an opportunity for your family to come closer, to love each other more and to protect one other. But ultimately when our beloved finally bids us adieu, no consolation fills the emptiness in our life. The funeral remains the only way through which we can commemorate the final journey of the soul. At Blacktown Funeral Services our dedicated funeral directors help the transition from this life to the next by preparing a gracious funeral.
Once you come to us you will be comforted to know that the funeral of your loved one is arranged exactly as you want.
We will also help to repatriate your loved one to their home country, and we can also arrange interstate repatriation as well. To get a FREE quote call us at – 02-8824-7549 or Get in touch.

How we do the Funeral Planning?
Our dedicated funeral specialist will come to you immediately and organise the necessary documents for the coroner and obtain the medical certificate and permit from a doctor to declare cause of death.
We will arrange to transport the deceased from the place of death to our funeral home.
We will guide you through the funeral arrangements such as religious desires, clergy preference, clothing, interment, music, flowers, coffin or casket, photos, cards, etc.
We will provide transportation for you and for your relatives if needed.
We are available 24/7, 365 days a week, ready to serve our clients through calls and concerns with due diligence. We operate a funeral home offering support all over Blacktown and Surrounding areas.
Feel free to get in touch with us!